Friday 27 November 2015

Outline Agreement

Outline Agreement
Vendor selection is an important process in procurement cycle. Vendors can be selected by quotation process. Once vendors are short-listed by organization, it enters into agreement with a certain vendor to supply certain items with certain conditions and typically when agreement is reached a formal contract is signed with the vendor. So, outline agreement is a long term purchasing agreement with vendor. The key points about outline agreement are as follows:
  • Outline agreement is a long term purchasing agreement with vendor containing terms and conditions regarding the material that is supplied by vendor.
  • Outline agreement are valid up to certain period of time and cover a certain predefined quantity or value.
Outline agreement is of following two types.
  • Contract
  • Scheduling Agreement


Contract is a long term outline agreement between vendor and ordering party over predefined material or services over certain framework of time. There are two types of contract:
Quantity Contract: In this type of contract overall value is specified in terms of total quantity of material to be supplied by vendor.
Value Contract: In this type of contract overall value is specified in terms of total amount to be paid for that material to the vendor.
Contract can be created by following the below steps:
Path to create Contract:
Logistics => Materials Management => Purchasing => Outline Agreement => Contract => Create
TCode: ME31K
On SAP Menu screen select Create execute icon by following the above path.
SAP contract create
Provide name of vendor, type of contract, purchasing organization, purchasing group and plant along with agreement date.
SAP contract create detail
Fill in all necessary details like agreement validity start date, end date, pay terms(i.e terms of payment).
SAP contract details
Provide material number along with target quantity if quantity contract or net price if value contract and material group. Click on save. A new Contract will be created.
SAP contract entry

Scheduling Agreement

Scheduling agreement is a long term outline agreement between vendor and ordering party over a predefined material or service which are procured on predetermined dates over a framework of time. Scheduling agreement can be created by following two steps:
  • Creating scheduling agreement
  • Maintain scheduling lines for the agreement

Creating scheduling agreement

Scheduling agreement can be created by following the below steps.
Path to create Scheduling Agreement:
Logistics => Materials Management => Purchasing => Outline Agreement => Scheduling Agreement => Create => Vendor Known
TCode: ME31L
On SAP Menu screen select Create execute icon by following the above step.
SAP create scheduling agreement
Provide name of vendor, agreement type(LP for scheduling agreement), purchasing organization, purchasing group, plant along with agreement date.
SAP sa create detail
Fill in all necessary details like agreement validity start date, end date, pay-terms(i.e terms of payment).
SAP sa detail
Provide material number along with target quantity, net price, currency and material group. Click on save. A new Scheduling Agreement will be created.
SAP sa entry

Maintain scheduling lines for the agreement

Schedule lines can be maintained for scheduling agreement by following the below steps.
Path to maintain Schedule Lines:
Logistics => Materials Management => Purchasing => Outline Agreement => Scheduling Agreement => Delivery Schedule => Maintain
On SAP Menu screen select Maintain execute icon by following the above step.
SAP sa maintain
Provide the scheduling agreement number.
SAP sa number
Select line item. Go to Item tab. Select delivery Schedule.
SAP sa number
Provide delivery schedule date, target quantity. Click on save. Schedule lines are now maintained for the scheduling agreement.
SAP sa details

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