Friday 27 November 2015

Purchase Requisition

Procurement in every organization starts with gathering requirements. Once requirements are gathered we need to inform the purchasing organization. Purchase Requisition is a document that will contain list of requirements. The key points about purchase requisition are as follows:
  • Purchase requisition is a request that is made to purchasing organization to procure certain list of material.
  • Purchase requisition is an internal document; specifically it remains within the organization.
  • Purchase requisition needs approval from purchasing organization.
  • If purchase requisition is approved then changes are possible only to limited extent.
  • Purchase requisition can be created for the following procurement types:
  • Standard: Getting finished material from vendor.
  • Subcontracting: Providing raw material to vendor and getting finished material.
  • Consignment: Procuring material that is kept in company’s premises and paying to vendor for that.
  • Stock transfer: Getting material from within the organization.
  • External service: Getting services like maintenance from third party vendor.

Create Purchase Requisition

Purchase Requisition can be created by following below steps:
Path to Create Purchase requisition:
Logistics => Materials Management => Purchasing => Purchasing Requisition => Create
TCode: ME51N
On SAP Menu screen select Create execute icon by following the above path.
SAP Purchase requisition
Fill in all required details like name of material, quantity, delivery date, material group, plant. Click on save. A new Purchase Requisition will be created.
SAP Purchase requisition detail
After creating purchase requisition, we need to send our requirements to vendor. Requirements to vendor are sent through a document that is known as purchase order. Purchase order can be directly created from purchase requisition.

Creating Purchase Order from Purchase Requisition

Purchase Order from purchase requisition can be created by following below steps:
TCode: ME21N
Enter TCode to go to purchase order home screen. Select Purchase requisition as shown in below image.
SAP PO from PR
Provide purchase requisition number for which you want to create purchase order. Then select execute icon.
SAP PO from PR Number
Drag the standard reference Purchase requisition to the cart next to NB Standard PO.
SAP PO from PR drop
Verify the details of purchase order and do the necessary changes as per requirement. Click on save. Purchase order from purchase requisition will be created.
SAP PO from PR detail

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